[Latamhd] RV: Ephemera in Digital Art History - Online Summer School

Maria Jose Afanador Llach MJ.Afanador28 en uniandes.edu.co
Mie Jul 22 07:54:25 PDT 2020

Buenos días,

Abajo copio la información de esta escuela de verano sobre historia del arte digital puede ser de interés para algunos de ustedes. El curso ofrece cubrir el costo de inscripción a 4 participantes de América Latina.

Un saludo,

Maria José

Maria José Afanador-Llach, Ph.D

Profesora Asistente

mj.afanador28 en uniandes.edu.co<mailto:mj.afanador28 en uniandes.edu.co>

Maestría en Humanidades Digitales

Facultad de Artes y Humanidades - Oficina P-103B

Universidad de los Andes - Calle 19A No. 1-37


De: digitalarthistory en uma.es <digitalarthistory en uma.es>
Enviado: miércoles, 22 de julio de 2020 5:07 a. m.
Asunto: Ephemera in Digital Art History - Online Summer School

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the International Summer School on
Digital Art History (DAHSS), a joint initiative of the University of
Málaga and the University of Berkeley, with the collaboration of the
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, will celebrate the fifth edition
from September 1st to 5th (2020).
Due to the covid-19 situation, this year the Summer School will be all
online. The DAHSS team is convinced that we have an unprecedented
opportunity to explore new ways of working together in a real global
scenario and at the same time preserve interpersonal exchange.

The application period is now open (until July 26th, 2020). Please,
visit: https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhistoriadelartemalaga.uma.es%2Fdahss20%2Fapplications%2F&data=02%7C01%7C%7Cc884b5ced8784498aede08d82e2717f4%7Cfabd047cff48492a8bbb8f98b9fb9cca%7C1%7C1%7C637310092923228186&sdata=xXd%2FjW4i7git0mU31XOXb3W12YNzU2SmpUvsT6nuJj4%3D&reserved=0

2020 Theme: Ephemera in Digital Art History
The #BlackLivesMatter movement and the rapid spread of global
demonstrations around the world are producing a considerable amount of
cultural manifestations that, due to their own nature, are ephemeral.
Nevertheless, their impact is permanent as they change the course of
human consciousness. This circumstance compels us to reflect on how and
why to preserve –whether this is possible- these ephemeral cultural
productions and how to produce digital outputs that allow us to
comprehend these cultural manifestations, their transformative impact,
and their full complexity.  Cultural productions are complex systems
with multiple dimensions, layers and trajectories. Computational
techniques and digital media give us tools, methods and analytical
strategies to deal with this kind of multifaceted nature phenomena that,
moreover, continuously reconfigure as they are disseminated and
appropriated by different communities.
DAHSS2020 aspires to delve into the notion of ephemera and their
complexity proposing to participants to work together in a common
project from different perspectives.
The course has a theoretical-practical orientation: theoretical exchange
and critical discussions will be combined with practical sessions
(lab-based sessions) through which participants will work
collaboratively. The results will be publicly presented on the last day
of the course.

Fee: 100€
Places: 30
The organization will cover enrollment expenses of 4 participants from
Latin America

For more information, please visit:

Official hashtag #DAHSS20
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